Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Malawi Democracy coming of age

I just thought I should take time off and talk about Malawi Politics. It has been long since I commented about politics both on the global arena and locally in Malawi, my country of origin. I just feel that it is now getting of age. If you try to look at the situation subjectively then one would be bound to think differently. However it appears now that the situation requires sobber minds and it is high time things were looked at objectively. My opinion is that politics is rippening now in our country. Comparatively, Malawi would be said to be one of the star performers in Africa, if not in the whole world. This is so considering that we just adopted multiparty politics in 2004. Today we are about 12 years old in democracy. But within the period we have achieved alot. One would perhaps feel that our democracy is now mature by looking at the way debates are handled in the country. People are now free to express their opinion, considering that freedom of expression is the crucial aspect of democratic development. On the other hand the leadership of this country has created such a conducive invironment for debates starting from parliament. Our parliamentarians are now free to debate political issues. However I would love if the senate was brought back so that these could deal with issues affecting locals at grassroot level while our legislatures discuss issues of legislative concern. This is the trend my opinion on politics in Malawi would take from now on. I intend to post articles on Malawi politics on my blog and I will discuss various political issues from now as Malawi prepares to hold its fourth Democratic election after the 1993 referendum. Readers are free to critique and suggest.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008